The meta-mines approach is to rapidly reduce coal emissions while maintaining affordable and secure energy supplies and tackling the resulting consequences for the transition of workers and communities.
By using a transformative digital platform, meta-mines has developed a unique and innovative way to use the value of unmined coal assets to inject investment into digital green projects and provide a long-term viable incentive for mine owners to transition away from coal into renewable energy projects.
Underground coal is assessed, graded, and valued and a digital twin of the mine allowing the value to be transferred as a fully regulated asset so that each tonne of unmined coal provides capital for renewable projects from the sequestration of coal in the ground.
In this ‘digital decarbonisation’ of coal assets, meta-mines satisfies the needs of coal mine owners and governments with ongoing royalty payments and taxation, transitions existing workforce and communities, growing a global community of governments, corporate and individuals in helping to meet zero emissions targets.
In turn, the meta-mines transactional eco-system directly enables the following Net Zero accelerators:
• Renewable energy generation and storage
• Agriculture, including hydroponic farming & energy crops
• Business parks for low-carbon industries
• Natural habitat remediation and regeneration
• Building a highly skilled and effective workforce fully able to operate in the new green tech digital environment
All elements of the Coal Transition Platform (CTP) are fully compliant, regulated and covered by investment grade insurance to manage downside risks.