about us

We're pioneers in digital green solutions that enable viable alternatives to traditional coal mining

We've made it possible to transform coal into a digital commodity that is valued as any other tradeable asset, without ever taking it out of the ground.

Our platform transfers the physical value of unmined coal into a digital asset, maintaining the transactional wealth of coal.

Through our Coal Transition Platform (CTP) our digital transition of fossil fuel assets creates downstream value that funds green technology projects such as solar-battery solutions, wind, pumped hydro and much more.


The coal, and its surface environments, remain untouched making way for these above-ground renewable energies to be developed.

The transition from fossil fuel mining is accelerated, and significant advancements towards climate protection are made preventing billions of tonnes of C02 being released.

The funding and development of renewable energy companies will provide new economic hope for regional workforces, their families and communities in the pivot away from coal power generation into renewables.

However, the biggest benefactor is the environment and its flora, fauna and water habitats that go on to provide health and wellbeing for our future generations.

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